Beginner Art Lesson: Sculpting

Here is an art lessons specifically designed for people who have never drawn before. Following the worksheet and these steps will help you grasp some of the basic skills of drawing while having fun.

Free Beginner Art Lesson: Sculpting

In this lesson we go over how you can chip away at a basic form to create more complex forms. This is a great way to get used to drawing things in space.

Free Beginner Art Lesson by JeyRam - Sculpting


I have found this concept especially useful for understanding how you can use forms. You can chip away parts of the major form to create more specific and interesting forms.

As you see in the example I have chipped away at a box to make it look like its made of stone, I like this approach because it reminds me of how sculptors used to chip away at marble slabs.

Take the time to practice drawing forms that are chopped in different places and explore the 3D space you are creating on the page. Don’t be shy about erasing and trying new ways to draw the forms, this exploration is what makes it easy to draw in the future.

Sketchbook Practice

Doing the worksheets and then taking the ideas to practice in your sketchbook is immensely important because you have to sit with these ideas for them to be useful. Developing a deep understanding how versatile these ideas are will make it much easier to approach drawing.

Once you are done with this tutorial you can go check out more of the free tutorials and courses on the site! I have tons of content made specifically for beginners ^ - ^