How to Draw Roses

Welcome to this rose drawing tutorial, make sure to grab the free worksheet below and print it out, it will make practicing much easier. I also have a line by line tutorial here if you are interested (opens in a new window)

How to Draw Roses: Step by Step Tutorial with Free Worksheet by JeyRam #art #tutorial

Step 1.

Draw a cone with a circular bottom, we will be using this as the guideline for the angle and proportions of the rose. If you are looking straight at the top of the flower you would only draw a circle, in the example image we are drawing the rose at an angle which gives us a good view of both the sides and the top.

Step 2.

Start drawing in the petals of the center, the ones at the center will have a cylindrical shape because they are wrapped more tightly and the ones towards the edges will be more rounded.

Step 3.

Keep adding more petals to the flowers, you can see that in this step the petals are rounding outwards from the center. The petal on the outer left is coming down the side of the rose and I have drawn a line towards the middle to show this layering, try to capture small details like this because it will help the flower feel more real.

Step 4.

Complete the outer sides of the body, I have made the lines more steep than the initial guideline because roses at this stage are fairly cylindrical. 

Step 5.

Add a bulb towards the bottom of the rose, the size and shape will vary greatly based on the angle that you are drawing from. We are only seeing a small part of it here because we have a view that is looking down on the flower, if we were looking up at it we would be seeing more of this part. 

Step 6.

Draw two vertical lines that extend down from the bulb to create the stem.

Step 7.

Add in a leaf and finish up the flower by adding some shading. Feel free to do as much or little shading as you like, in the example, I have gone for fairly minimal shading.

If you want more practice drawing roses I have a printable workbook below that will walk you through these stages of practice with roses at a variety of angles. Thank you for checking this tutorial out, I really hope this was useful to you and I thank you for inviting me into your creative journey! ^.^

Drawing Roses (Printable PDF)

Learn how to draw roses with this 21 page printable workbook that will walk you through a series of drawing exercises. This workbook is designed to help you rapidly improve your drawing ability through hands on practice!